Kleinanzeige: SF7210526

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39 Sammelteller von Royal Copenhagen / BG

39 Sammelteller von Royal Copenhagen / BG

AnzeigenID: SF7210526
Standort: 60487 Frankfurt
Rubrik: Sammlungen
39 Sammelteller von Royal Copenhagen / BG
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Reklamemarken gesucht!
Royal Copenhagen:1915 Danish Landscape, 1965 Little Skaters, 1966 Blackbird, 1967 The Royal Oak, 1968 The last Umiak, 1969 Old Farmyard, 1970 Christmas Rose & Cat, 1971 Hare in Winter, 1972 In the Dessert, 1973 Train Homeward Bound, 1974 Winter Twilight, 1975 Marcelisborg Palace, 1775 -1975 Bicentenary Factory Plate, 1976 Vibäk Water Mill, 1977 Immervard Bridge, 1978 Greenland Scene, 1979 Choosing the Tree, 1980 Bringing Home Tree, 1981 Admiring the Tree, 1982 Waiting for Christmas, B&G:1967 Sharing the Joy, 1968 Christmas in Church, 1969 Arrival of Guest, 1970 Pheasants in Snow, 1970 Amalienborg Castle, 1971 Christmas at Home, 1972 Greenland Scene, 1972 Olympic Plate, 1973 Country Christmas, 1974 Christmas in Village, 1975 Old Watermill, 1976 Christmas Welcome, 1977 Copenhagen, 1978 Chritmas Tale, 1979 White Christmas, 1980 Christmas in Woods, 1981 Christmas Peace, 1982 Christmas Tree, 1983 Old Town, ...die Teller sind zusammen ca. 1.300, - Dollar wert.Bei Interesse bitte melden.